GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

to save yourself on the stock market ...

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    "To save yourself on the stock market sell your traditional mainstream shares and buy the shares of quality precious metals producers and emerging producers."

    I wonder how long before enough investors work this out and start a stampede into precious metals equities? The profits they are making at current prices has gone through the roof, and this is just the start imo.

    For example, in the June quarter NCM produced 700,124 ounces of gold at an achieved price of AUD$1409. The current price is AUD$1777. On 700,000 ounces at AUD$1777 there would have been an extra $257.6 million in revenue from gold just for that one quarter!!!

    What we have been witnessing in recent days is the loss of control of the paper gold market ... the last thing the powers that be wanted was a "Stocks down gold soars" scenario.

    Well, they've got it.

    In 2008 this was avoided as there was still trust in the USA and its dollar. This trust has now been mortally damaged imo. Gold is now acting as money. Gold is now acting as an international safe haven imo.
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