I, greenpastures have never been and am not the entity known as...

  1. 5,768 Posts.
    I, greenpastures have never been and am not the entity known as Calrisian or any of his former aliases such as Jabberau and others. Neither have I ever impersonated another poster. For the record, the entity Calrisian has been on a premeditated mission to destroy my "Independent" status & reputation / integrity on every forum for the past several months. He appears to be well connected, and has used many names to impersonate & ridicule myself, for example; groinpastors, greenpastors, greenpustures. I suspect that it was also he who sent me an email from yahoo ([email protected]) suggesting a few mental health clinics in my immediate suburb where I live. I use only hotmail and have never used Yahoo email. I have also been receiving unsolicited pornography which I cannot stop. Further I have a copy of Calrisians hotcopper profile that I published here for everyones benefit just prior to him deleting it to cover his tracks. That is Calrisians style & signature if U do not know by now. Premeditated deception. He is imho a professional on a mission. Why else would he go to such extremes & effort? If Calrisian or someone feeding him does not have access to privaledged & confidential stock market information, ie my name, my address and the stocks I hold, I will eat my hat! How did somone obtain my details is the question? I suggest simply by accessing my cable service providers records using my IP address for name & address, then accessing my stock market holdings though contacts with brokers or the ASX. A non-professional would not hold such access or go to such extremes, agree?. I said it before and I will say it again, I have never met anyone from any forum, neither do I intend to. I hold no vested interests or contacts with brokers or anyone else related to the stock market game. I am a fully independent private investor.

    Hope this helps.

    I have some work to do. Have a good day.

    BTW, if someone does know who Calrisian is and is prepared to dob him and his friends in, please do so, you have my email, which has been the same for a very long time. Its [email protected]
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