To set the record straight, page-5

  1. 2,271 Posts.
    Agreed michaelmou.

    Ferchrissakes give it a rest GP. Your story is starting to take on more twists than Gorky Park.

    Something doesn't add up here. One moment you're stating that Calrison stated you didn't own AMC, and to have that info he must have access to your portfolio. The next moment you're saying you "hold AMC and have made heaps".

    That leaves but two options mate:
    1) You telling porkies about holding and making heaps.
    2) Calrison has no clue about what you hold, therefore what are you bitching about?

    This is moving from the sublime to the rediculous!
    If you were not wasting so much of hotcopper's bandwith and the already cluttered space with this drivel, it just might make a good giggle.

    Try taking the weekend off mate, go to the beach ... kick a footy ... chuck a party ... get yourself laid. Just ... try something different.

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