Chinguetti: Who cares? Chinguetti,I was going to give an indepth...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Chinguetti: Who cares? Chinguetti,

    I was going to give an indepth response but then I thought, who gives a rats arse?

    There are two words that you have missed in all of Yaks posts (and mine).

    They are "Never again".

    That means just that.

    The Israelis showed their mettle in Entebbe when the whole world stood by and watched as Jews were once again segregated, to be dealt with.

    Israel pulled off a daring feat which has never ever been emulated by any country, no matter the size or their power.

    But what Israel and the Jewish world saw was that nobody lifted a finger. Not one country.

    The French being the typical cowards that they are which was demonstrated during WW2, did nothing despite it being their plane that was hijacked.

    The UN did nothing, and if my memory serves me well, not even a censure motion although I stand to be corrected to the extent of noise made at the UN.

    The brave Palistinians and their erstwhile canibalistic friend Idi Amin, now enjoying retirement in Saudi Arabia managed to haul off an elderly woman, a Mrs Bloch in her seventies and killed her, just as they did to the wheechair bound Jew, Leon Klinhoffer when they bravely threw him off the Archilo Lauro in mid ocean.

    So post whatever you like about the Mossad, about Israel, about Jews, I for one don't give a rats arse, because the Mossad is there just like the Israeli army is there too make sure that "Never again" is understood loudly and clearly.

    You don't like the way they operate? Then stay out of their way. I promise you they won't bother you.

    It's the ones who want to make sure that "never again" , becomes "once again", they will be kept on the backfoot. For ever!

    Respond if you like, impress who ever you wish, I and 13,000,000 million remaining Jews world wide could not give a rats arse.
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