To some; a curse we had to have, page-2

  1. 81,122 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    hmmm - reasonable article - I don't think I would have ever thought of Apple ever as a niche computer company ----------- realistically once they actually produced something - the sales curve took off faster than an Aussie bushfire

    there's no secret to that humans have always (so far) wanted instant, immediate, reliable widespread comms --

    you can see it right throughout history and prehistory --- smoke signals, whistles, voice calls, semophore, telegraph, telephone, fax, texts

    in a couple/few decades - smartphones will be consigned to the dustbin of history - humans will at bare minimum have some sort of implant or wearable device that keeps in constant contact with people and information

    it will be interesting to see if we get to some sort of saturation point where people do turn off ---------- it's going to be very interesting because there's a lot of biological chemicals involved - so, turning off will be like taking the drug away

    first www browser - 1990 ish - first smart phone only yesterday really -

    20 years time? 50 years time?????

    we are at the mere beginning of the technological age IMO

    I see thought transferance not too long down the track -------- again - it will be interesting to see how we filter it

    I suspect that 5G might be some sort of tipping point - because I suspect that 5G might be a dud to a degree -- it's going to have a lot of penetration problems for countries with old buildings - as if it's not bad enough now in some places - it's going to get much worse - and, the amount of towers is going to be ???????? interesting - to make the system work.

    that could drive some sort of major shift to something completely different - we shall see
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