My strategy ......Take it or leave it ! But at least I have...

  1. 479 Posts.
    My strategy ......

    Take it or leave it ! But at least I have posted !!

    I hope it is of some use to someone !!!!!!!!!

    This is just an outline.

    I lost money by buying stocks via many methods in the 90’s and then sort of stumbled into buying a stock for no other reason that it was moving up and i was desperate. I made a profit !

    After literally thousands of hours of research it came down to this !

    *****Look at a stock showing a sustainable uptrend and reaching new yearly highs.
    I believe that a chart displaying a sustainable uptrend is the most reliable of any chart pattern.*****

    The key is the word “sustainable”

    Keep it all simple.

    1) Forget head & shoulders patterns, volume indicators and any other type of T/A.
    2) Ignore P/E’s and all other financial indicators. It’s not possible, unless you are an insider to gain any advantage through research. And can you trust the figures ?
    3) Look for tangible evidence of the companies product in action, or visible demand. Forget stuff like looking at supermarket shelves, look further …………
    4) Take note of TV ad’s.
    5) *****Look at market share.*****
    6) Use your noodle and use a trailing stop loss.
    7) Think how the pro’s make their money ….. the 2% (I get to that at the end !)
    8) Forget T/A and F/A (I know I’m repeating myself)….. It’s all included in the price of the stock.
    9) Stick to the top 300 on the ASX and not mining Co’s.
    10) Stick with the stock as long as the run continues. It will come to an end !

    I bought ABS early last year because I was dropping my child off at Child Care and was aware of the demand, and shortage of facilities = market share. And although it hadn’t been listed for a long time the chart was moving up nicely.

    During my usual afternoon walk I walked past a massive housing development. They also had TV ads. I bought DVN very early this year because I figured they had market share, had money to spend on TV ads and had a great looking chart happening..

    I changed banks from CBA to BEN.

    Stocks to look back on are:

    ION (Harley Davidson motor cycles !!) = great chart & market share thru the baby boomers.
    ABS (child care centres)
    Too many to mention.

    That’s it ! Sorry if it’s not some system with Bells and Whistles but they just don’t work !!!!

    Surveys show 98% of investors are reluctant to buy shares trading at yearly highs. So who keeps buying them ? The 2% that make money perhaps !!!!

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