EDE 0.00% 0.2¢ eden innovations ltd

to those dreaming about EDE selling Hydrogen, page-16

  1. 7,705 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2797

    Saying you have proved me wrong when I was the one that gave verifiable facts from an EDE announcement and the actual patent EDE uses to prove you wrong only proves what a liar you are.

    Wrong. It's the same process with the wording changed to make new claims. So a new patent was granted. But you don't understand the patent process (or the technology) so that 'minor' detail went totally over your head.

    As EdenCrete sales increase and the sales of CNTs begin, they will produce more. This is the plan, as has been repeatedly stated by GS.

    LOL. Edencrete sales are falling. CNT sales are still zero after 15 years.

    IMO the only 'plan' is paying obscenely generous salaries. The EDE reality is 30 years of totally crackpot research schemes of no commercial value, Each new business has been a totally futile attempt to salvage a previous failure. It has never been anything more than a case of throwing good money after bad.

    The latest CR (in the very unlikely event of a full uptake) will last no more than two months and dilute shareholders by another 10%
    Last edited by PigsMightFly: 04/12/22
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