I'll reply although i suspect your motives are unpure.......So...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    I'll reply although i suspect your motives are unpure.......

    So the silly fukcer had this to say
    "That's bulldung and you know it! There are many things which Israel -and you- can do:
    a) Israel should stop thinking that its own, unilateral actions represent the thoughts and aspirations of all jews world-wide. It doesn't and there's much evidence for this.

    Irrelevant...Pali's are not bombing and reacting to this

    b) Israel should become less secretive. It should allow investigators to walk all over that land, check out every nook and cranny as they insisted that Iraq should undergo the same scrutiny.

    Irrelevant...Pali's are not bombing and reacting to this

    c) Israel should become less belligerent and more dialectic. Get rid of the stick mentality.

    Generally speaking the IDF is reactive to the acts of the Pali's. I'd say he'd advocate they do nothing in repsonse to their terror campaign......how naive.

    d) Israel should accept what they want the Pallies to accept: The two-state solution, istead of the one state, called Israel.

    Offered and rejected

    e) Israel should stop shouting (through the mouths of US Presidents) about WMDs and closed down their own facilities, including the massive collection of nuclear bombs.

    Irrelevant...Pali's are not bombing and reacting to this

    f) Israel should allow neutral negotiators to get the land divisions right and to accept that ampire's decision.

    Perhaps the first part has some merit - the second...I'm sure he's recommend the UN be that umpire and this is the body that not once in this whole sorry mess - not once - has ever passed aresolution against the Palis's.

    g) Israel should stop shoving holocaust mythology down the world's throat. Other nations have suffered worse at ISRAEL'S hands. Israel knows it, the whole world know it. Israel denies it, the rest of the world doesn't!

    Irrelevant...Pali's are not bombing and reacting to this

    h)Israel should become what it's been gloating it is: a true democracy. No Bull, no cr@p, no religious obfuscations. Just become a legitimate, properly functioning democracy. They yell at the top of their voice that they are the only one in the ME! Cr@p. They are a dictatorship-cum-theocracy. One of the austerest rules I know. Israel knows it, the world knows it! Israel denies it, the world doesn't!

    Irrelevant...Pali's are not bombing and reacting to this.

    This aside he's as wrong as a person can be without being brain-dead. Ask youself one question..........would he/you rather live in Israel or Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Saudia Arabia etc etc etc

    ....if he answers other than Israel he IS brain-dead but we suspect that anyway

    i) Israel should pull its filthy fingers out of the tills of other countries.

    Irrelevant...Pali's are not bombing and reacting to this

    So having a look at the above the fukcwit has come up with virtually nothing but a clear expression of a a most transparent anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli agenda.

    Fukc him............

    Now ask the cretin what the Palis could do???????

    As snooker once posted....

    If the Palis put down their guns there would be peace.

    If Israel puts down its guns...there would be no more Israel.

    Anyone who cant see that is a moron.
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