AUL austar gold limited

Come on people whats UP? We are back to a 25 million MC...we...

  1. 4,255 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 64
    Come on people whats UP? We are back to a 25 million MC...we have some great gold assets which will be drilled further next quarter,,,Gold has been on the rise for years and there is still huge demand for gold and gold assets...

    We have two potential company making coal assets,,,IF one of the two goes to plan we will be many multiples higher in a few months time,,,You work out the odds because I know where I am putting my money..

    Very glad we have enough cash for the rest of 2012,very small overheads and a management team that looks long term unlike most...

    (I too am a bit fustrated about lack of news BUT thats life and its not just MNM,,,,I have same issue with NEU,AJM,,,,)

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Currently unlisted public company.

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