ATH 33.3% 1.2¢ alterity therapeutics limited

Today's Endpoints News Lead Article Regarding Eli Lilly Actions and Plans, page-21

  1. 109 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    We can be hopeful, but does not look like PBT2 will come into picture in the next 12 months. These people are very slow. It is very possible we’ll see a delay to start of Phase 2 for ATH434. I am holding but losing patience all the same.
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Mkt cap ! $63.84M
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1.3¢ 1.4¢ 1.1¢ $1.532M 123.5M

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27 22832937 1.1¢

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1.2¢ 8547260 6
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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