Todays Food for Thought., page-3

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I agree with that sentiment very much. It makes the world go round and it will also come back to you in very subtle ways.
    When I go to a cafe where I know the workers are all casual or part time I always try to leave a $2 tip. I try and keep the change in my pocket but sometimes I forget.
    My son use to berate me for this. When I told him that the people working these jobs are in need of some assistance and to give them a tip is the best way to help them, it gives them money in a dignified way.
    It may only be $2.0 but if everyone that went in to that cafe left $2 they would get a fair bit.
    Im not sure my son gets the message. I think a lot of people in Australia are worried about giving a tip as a lot of people will ridicule a person for doing this.
    Let them bang their gums, I will continue to leave a tip.
    No one really knows as I just leave it on the edge of the coffee cup saucer or in the tea spoon.

    If you have a little spare money spread it round.
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