Today's Gestapo news

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    Some cops are becoming right grubs.

    I have another story about an outrageous pandemic fine thatwill break your heart.

    It’s about a pub owner named Luke Moon, who runs the Port of BourkeHotel in northwestern NSW.

    It’s been rough in that part of the Outback. First came thedrought. Then came the pandemic.

    He’s barely holding on. The whole town of Bourke isbarely holding on, to be honest.

    But the good news is, there’s no virus in Bourke.There’s none for 500 km in any direction. And just in case, Luke hasmeticulously followed all the social distancing rules — so much sothat one angry patron smashed a glass over his head! That’s howdedicated Luke is to following the rules.

    So why did police fromhundreds of kilometres away in Dubbo sneak into town — and not evenalert Bourke’s local police — and run a bizarre sting operationagainst this law-abiding pub owner?

    I’m serious — see for yourself:

    Why did they target Luke?

    Why did they sneak into his pub, fine him $5,000 withouteven telling him, and then sneak in again the next night to do thesame?

    Is there no real crime in Australia that needs police attention?The local crime stats would indicate otherwise. So, why were theypicking on this man — a pillar of the community, who actually hostedthe state premier herself?

    There’s no excuse for this — it’s bullying.

    That’s why we’ve hired a top lawyer to fight for Luke. Hecan’t afford the $10,000 fines. And there’s no way he can afford alawyer to fight the fines.

    The Port of Bourke Hotel was beginning to recover from years of drought when a state-wide Coronavirus lockdown began. Owner Luke Moon took the 9-week opportunity to borrow money and renovate his remote community pub.

    When they finally re-opened, Mr Moon implemented all the CHO directions, with signage, contact tracing and sanitation.

    However, one patron took the state rules personally and glassed the hotel owner. That man is currently facing prison time for the attack.

    Weeks later, police Senior Sergeant Jonathan Cassidy travelled 374km from Dubbo with another officer to carry sting operations on the Bourke pub.

    Dubbo police fined The Port of Bourke Hotel $5k on 9th of October and came back and fined the remote pub again another $5k on the 10th.

    The closest recorded Coronavirus case was in Orange NSW, over 500km away.
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