BMB 0.00% 2.5¢ balamara resources limited

togo phosphate news., page-92

  1. 18 Posts.
    again, we are into silver and copper lead and zinc with varesh, bodgan atm, so the mention of gold being the factor, is a bit off the path in my opinion. yes gold dropped 5%, and so did silver 5%, usually silver drops double to gold, so therefore isnt that a bullish sign, considering we arent producing yet, any price change of silver doesnt affect bmb's bottom line and either does the large caps dropping or they shouldnt as it is a specky. I just think what is holding this stock back a bit is misleading information being posted irrellevent to what bmb is striving to achieve in the short term and that is togo which from what I've read is all about phosphate ah fertilizer nothing to do with the price of gold I believe or am I missing something.

    Is there gold in phosphate is there?
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