Tony Abbott’s tsunami aid comments have caused backlash in Indonesia’s Aceh province

  1. 3,009 Posts.

    This was always going to happen wasn't it?

    Now until recently I was of the opinion that these two guys made their own bed and they need to face the consequences and that Australia has no right to interfere in Indonesian law.  But this story makes me want to puke.

    We gave them a billion dollars in aid.  A billion dollars.  There is a comment in this article from some Achean cretin that says they never wanted our help and we have greatly offended them.  Well I find it hard to believe that after such an absolute tragic occurrence on a grand scale that they didn't want help.  We gave it to them anyway.  They readily accepted our help and now we want theirs.  And it all too much for them.

    I have changed my opinion.... I say screw em.  Boycott Bali.  Let see how they feel with no more tourist dollars coming in.  Keep  saving your coins fellas.  You are going to need a bigger box.
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