Tony Abbott just used Barnaby Joyce's resignation to take a swipe at his Liberal colleagues, page-8

  1. 17,419 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 197
    Yep he has the freedom to speak for and on behalf of his electorate not the advisors think tanks lobbyists and ngos that surround the parliament .

    The number one person who advises government is the elected representative of the electorates.

    Turnbull raises the pay for his inner government and excludes the ones who vote .

    Kind of not how it works as they dont vote .

    But Turnbull must think he can buy loyalty ?

    So he has a worm of people surrounding him given paid for advice hoping for more remuneration ?

    Aint that genie bottle working well for him !

    He even used a special loophole for his dirt file crowd it seems ?
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