Autosime you posted "The labor party is run by left wing atheist...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Autosime you posted "The labor party is run by left wing atheist aggressive unionists who behind closed doors are real big bullies."
    Well if this is true then it is a big positive for the labor party as atheism and intelligence have been continually found through research to go hand in hand. Not sure what it says for the mad monk though. Following is but one of many studies.

    High IQ turns academics into atheists

    12 June 2008

    By Rebecca Attwood

    Intelligence is a predictor of religious scepticism, a professor has argued. Rebecca Attwood reports

    Belief in God is much lower among academics than among the general population because scholars have higher IQs, a controversial academic claimed this week.

    In a forthcoming paper for the journal Intelligence, Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Ulster, will argue that there is a strong correlation between high IQ and lack of religious belief and that average intelligence predicts atheism rates across 137 countries.

    In the paper, Professor Lynn - who has previously caused controversy with research linking intelligence to race and sex - says evidence points to lower proportions of people holding religious beliefs among "intellectual elites".

    The paper - which was co-written with John Harvey, who does not report a university affiliation, and Helmuth Nyborg, of the University of Aarhus, Denmark - cites studies including a 1990s survey that found that only 7 per cent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. A survey of fellows of the Royal Society found that only 3.3 per cent believed in God at a time when a poll reported that 68.5 per cent of the general UK population were believers.

    Professor Lynn told Times Higher Education: "Why should fewer academics believe in God than the general population? I believe it is simply a matter of the IQ. Academics have higher IQs than the general population. Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQs tend not to believe in God."

    He said that most primary school children believed in God, but as they entered adolescence - and their intelligence increased - many began to have doubts and became agnostics.

    He added that most Western countries had seen a decline of religious belief in the 20th century at the same time as their populations had become more intelligent.
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