Tony Abbott morphing from leadership aspirant into?

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Wow this is a powerful insight from Chris Ulhmann on Abbott’s outburst.
    I guess many could see it as he describes.

    "Tony Abbott is morphing from leadership aspirant into political assassin and the transition is deadly.

    Because if Mr Abbott abandons hope of ever being prime minister again, he might settle for mortally wounding Malcolm Turnbull and letting someone else bury the corpse.

    The speech he gave at the Making Australia Right book launch reeked of a man itching to pull the trigger on a Prime Minister he sees as spineless and lacking a moral core.

    His hatred is profound, his anger is deepening and his impatience is growing. His disdain for Mr Turnbull leached through every word. It was a dress rehearsal for a showdown where he will define victory as both men walking away losers.”
    How has Tony Abbott fared?
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