Tony Abbott puts GST rise back on agenda - parliament live LIVE...

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    Tony Abbott puts GST rise back on agenda - parliament live
    LIVE Updated 6m ago
    Tony Abbott urges reform of the federation and the tax base - putting a higher GST back into the mix as parliament returns for another week. Follow it live...

    **rielle Chan
    Monday 27 October 2014 09.15 +11:00

    Prime minister Tony Abbott, foreign minister Julie Bishop and health minister Peter Dutton. Photograph: Mike Bowers Guardian Australia/Mike Bowers Guardian Australia

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    6m ago09:15
    Health minister Peter Dutton has been “gaming through” ebola scenarios with the prime minister and Scott Morrisonon the weekend. Following the negative test of a young woman in Queensland, Dutton says Australia is well placed to test quickly and trace contacts.
    He says there is still no decision on sending health workers to west Africa, notwithstanding reports last week that the government was planning to send volunteer health workers in response to international calls for assistance.
    Health minister Peter Dutton on his way to an interview in the ABC studios of Parliament House this morning. Photograph: Mike Bowers/Mike Bowers
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    19m ago09:02
    As members and senators file into the building, parliament is due to begin at 10am. There will be more condolences for Gough Whitlamand private members motions before government business, which includes aged care amendments.
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    41m ago08:40
    Asylum seekers is also on the agenda today.
    Labor’s Richard Marles has said Labor could support a policy of turning back asylum seeker boats if Indonesia supported it. If so, it would be a backflip with double pike on a policy that it has vociferously panned.
    Marles conceded on Sky that the government’s policy had had an impact.
    If there was a situation if in which Indonesia agrees with this, then that’s a game-changer. We are open-minded on this. We are utterly committed to make sure that the humanitarian crisis that happened on our borders [of asylum seekers drowning at sea while trying to reach Australia] never happens again.”
    Scott Morrison was at once crowing and also warning that Labor isn’t really that tough. They won’t do it, he said.
    In opposition they voted against turn backs and temporary visas. The Australian people know who they can trust on our borders.
    Meanwhile, Ben Doherty has a story this morning that ScoMo ignored his department’s advice that it was illegal for him to refuse permanent visas for boat arrivals found to be refugees.
    His department apparently warned that it would be challenged in the high court and he would lose. And the High Court did. Who knew public servants know stuff?
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