Debono the heading here is not applicable - Gillard is...

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    the heading here is not applicable - Gillard is Australia's "Leader" - not Abbott.

    If/when Abbott does become PM, (or whomever does,) then let people do a fair critique then when they are installed in their leadership.

    But kicking a man when he's "down" (in helpless opposition) seems to be the only resort left to those of the Left - and the policitians who have lost their own moral compass with regard to having to actually lie to their constituents (in some cases) about their "belief" in their Party's policies and their "benefits" in order to keep their job.

    And so they all rush to the "let's kick Abbott" Gillard directive. Yep, always play the man - not the ball. It's rampant - and very deliberate!

    As to the worth, or otherwise, of this political forum, and it's seemingly shaky existence - seems odd to me that others can enjoy expressing their opinions and personalities and freedoms of thought) on music, jokes,
    science and medicine, General, Lifestyle (color of curtains??), betting, humour, General (often overlapping into political areas), yet those who have a keen interest in world and national politics are seemingly demeaned (just for expressing an opinion, as done elsewhere by everyone else freely - within the rules) and devalued.

    We are classed as whingers, whiners, grandstanders, soap box
    artists, stirrers, and deliberate rulers! For some reson, we are "troublemakers" or always under some barely tolerated microscope. I appreciate it is a difficult forum to moderate, as many resort to rudeness and personal sneers.
    But does this mean other forums are all squeaky clean these regards?

    With most of the complaints coming from those of the Leftist persuasion. Who seem to have this obsession with "labelling" everyone - as does Gillard and her crew.

    With regard to thumbs:-

    a/ the recipient of ups or downs has no inkling of, nor influence on, the distribution of these thumbs (or do they spend their days e-mailing friends saying - hey thumb me up??)

    b/ The spirit and content of a post (and not it's grammar, structure, etc. attract such ups and downs.) But5 you can say the same of posts on stocks!!

    Someone posts (eg: - "This should be a ten bagger by 2012
    because Fred Bloggs, the CEO< told us last March it would be blah blah blah) - and that post attracts 10 thumbs up?

    Or alternately, we get two feet of maps, charts, sample cores, highly technical information - all no doubt worthwhile, but still arguably speculative opinion, and that gets 30 thumbs up??

    But no, anyone who posts politics is somehow a dunderhead, a schemer, a political plant, an egotist, an idiot?

    Isn't it the debate which matters- and, in a democracy, is so important? Moreso because politics and finances across the world are now such intertwined and serious events, each impacting on the other?

    At this time of hugely volatility politically in Australia
    affecting all our futures, perhaps severely, isn't this forum of some value?

    Some come on here to debate, mostly 3ith civility. Others come on specifically to fight and argue. It seems to me it's mainly the arguers who are constantly complaining!

    Have to go out and no time to edit - but I hope I am not moderated off, or nsujspended even, for jjust vexpressing an opinion. I am not having a go at moderators - just putting forward an opinion of why I see it as unfair that those who happen to enjoy reading and posting opinion on this forum are exempted from the thumbs others "ENJOY".

    Of course, I allow that HC is a private enterprise, and that their admin. rules must apply. But at least let's not throw out the baby with the bath water! There are some very good posters on here - of many political persuasions.

    And many keep us up with breaking news - opinion, and what others are thinking and feeling, with regard to the local and world political scene.
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