tony abbott - true to type, page-13

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    I guess you thought you had to mention your absence since I certanly didn't notice you weren't around and I doubt anyone else did either...

    Your determination that " it's pointless to argue with people whose minds are closed" is certainly a "pot-kettle-black" moment that you should definitely be proud of as it seems to be a "greatest moment" for your record...

    Of course all HC community must have been waiting with baited breath for chuck's "verdict" to be delivered from your self-imposed, "splendid isolation" in true Gillard style...

    However the content seems to be so adolescent, so juvenile as to wonder what you have been smoking while in retreat...

    If you havent noticed while isolating yourself from us lesser mortals, the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus has spent us into an emerging black hole of European style massive entitlements, massive debt and falling revenue...

    If you want a hint of where this inevitably leads, lower your eyes to the land of these troublesome mortals and read about Greece, Spain and a number of other European countries that have been living of much the same failed type of wasteful borrow and spend binge that the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd
    clown circus seemed to think would be fun to try..

    You might also notice some troublesome headlines about China and economic problems there and when your major customers dramatically cut back due to their own economic problems, it is usually prudent to take steps to stop the cash flowing out in fire-hose fashion...

    I can understand that you dont want to be troubled and bothered by these low-class "reality moments...
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