tony abbott volunteers in bushfire strike team, page-209

  1. 17,307 Posts.

    "Some of the posters here are so stuck on their views it clouds their judgment."

    That would seem to describe your strange and hillarious Turnbull fixation and your weird fixation and obsession with tiny-sample polls asking meaningless fantasy-land questions, even after these polls have been shown time and time again in recent history to be completely misleading and unrepresentative...

    Tunbull is not an alternative PM...
    Turnbull had his chance at opposition leader, failed badly, dramatically and catastrophically, and was voted out of leadership by his party...

    Turnbull's subsequent childish temper tantrums, dummy spits and public attempts to sabotage and undermine the liberal party prove that the decision to remove Turnbull from liberal party leadership was the correct and timely one...

    Similarly as Rudd himself stated, Turnbull is even further to the left than Rudd himself and so not a person fit for political leadership when a return to sanity and responsibility in government is desperately needed...

    Turnbull may mature in a decade or so under the careful tutoring of Tony Abbott leadership and may some time in the distant future warrant another chance...
    But not in the forseeable future...

    Tony Abbott has proven himself to be the defining politician of our time:
    - saving Australians from Turnbull's tratorous collusion with the then labor PM Rudd to burden Australians with Rudd's fantasy-land, doomed-to-fail ets (carbon dioxide trading),
    - forcing the union-bosses in a flat bed-wetting panic to dump their failed, potty-mouthed, temper-tantrum throwing clown Rudd for the even more catastrophic failure of the treacherous and deceitful Gillard,
    - saving Australia from Gillard's disasterous, lop-sided Malaysia solution which would have super-charged illegal immigrant numbers beyond the already massively high number and many other outstanding achievements...

    As such with his lifetime of devotion to public and community service, his outstanding educational achievements and his excellent role-model status as an outstanding and active sporting figure, Tony Abbott seems to be the right man at the right time in the right place to hold the position of our incoming PM:
    - to restore some faith in government and some dignity to the post of PM that has been destroyed and sullied by the lies, deceptions and low political skull-duggery of Gillard
    - to rescue Australia from regressive socialist destruction and slavery and union-boss rorting and looting...
    - and to return some sanity and responsbility to government

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