Ben, do I need to again point out that the polls are conducted...

  1. 60,248 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Ben, do I need to again point out that the polls are conducted using scientifically valid methodology, sample size may be relatively small but the sampling methodology provides a confidence level of 95%. That is a 5% margin of error so if the results are within 5% then you could say that it is not statistically significant.

    My views are based on real life facts, that it is showing what I would like to happen is just satisfing. As as said before 6 months ago the facts did dot support what I wanted but that has changed.

    Anyway, let’s see what happens in the next few weeks and months. I predict that LNP 2PP and Abbotts popularity will not improve enough to give the libs confidence and may in fact get worse which will leave the libs little choice but to dump Abbott.

    If the Lib’s have not already put Abbott on notice, Abbott has on himself as we can see by the desperate attempts to improve his image. You normally would not have your wife and staffers coming out to defend your character in the course of every day politics.
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