Tony Jones Q&A tonight

  1. 13,178 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    HC posters - some homework.

    Tonight, if you could (I know this is probably hard for many), sit through Q&A with a pen and checklist and tick the number of times the following:

    Tony Jones drops a snide remark  ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones laughs at someone speaking or making a comment   ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones drops a snide remark about Tony Abbott ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones drops a snide remark about Joe Hockey ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones drops a snide remark about Barnaby Joyce not coming on the show tonight ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones drops a snide remark about a member of the LNP ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones interrupts ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones cuts someone off making a valid point ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones targets the conservative on the panel ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones makes light of the ABC review of bias ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones agrees vehemently with any remark by one of the lefty panelist/audience members ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones talks about Gay Marriage (same sex marriage) ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones says a Gay Marriage plebiscite is bad idea ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones talks about asylum seekers ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones talks about global warming or climate change ( enter total ____)
    Tony Jones talks about canceling citizenship of dual citizens fighting for ISIS ( enter total ____)

    Lets compare notes tomorrow.  Cheers TC
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