tony the black hole man caught out again

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    The coalition has poured cold water on an offer by Prime Minister Julia Gillard to provide Treasury resources to help cost Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's tax plans.

    Ms Gillard threw down the gauntlet to Mr Abbott, offering Treasury officials to cost tax cuts he revealed at Saturday's Liberal Party federal council.

    "Today I do want to make an offer to Tony Abbott, I do believe Australians should be able to judge this on the basis of all the facts and figures," she told the Ten Network on Sunday. "So I'm prepared to make available to Mr Abbott officials from Treasury to work with him in coming weeks to cost whatever he says he wants to do in tax so that we can see what it means and the billions of dollars it would cost."

    Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey said the coalition was not going to take lectures from Labor.

    The prime minister said Mr Abbott was set to create an $11 billion black hole."Let's have the details," she said.
    "Mr Abbott can have resources from Treasury to cost a tax plan." If Mr Abbott did not take up the offer Australians were entitled to say his tax talk was a stunt, Ms Gillard said.

    Abbott must think we all fall for his waffle.
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