This guy's delusional. Doesn't believe the disastrous polls,...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    This guy's delusional. Doesn't believe the disastrous polls, which will see him and Oakeshott out on their backsides next election.

    And they'll be out despite all the pork barreling millions which Labor have poured into their two electorates. Their constituents are not that silly!

    The sooner these two destabilising units are gone from politics forever the better. Windsor has his secure future courtesy his lucrative land sale to the miners a while back - Oakeshoott - well, who knows, let alone cares.

    Windsor has absolutely no idea, and little political nous.
    He's good with the sneer - which is about all I an think of in his favor.
    Says Abbott woudln't hsve handled a hung parliament. Interviewed tonight, he said of Abbott "I suppose he's a nice enough poor coot!" Always ready with the smart put-down is one Mr. Windsor.

    Which speaks volumes as to why he went with Gillard. He and Oakeshott both had huge axes to grind against the Nats. Past hatreds - they loathe and detest them, for reasons unclear and best known to them. So they chose payback over loyalty to their own electorates, and the will of their constituents, and the good of the country. A re-election, back then, but moreso now, would have been fair.

    Windsor would have to be one of the most unattractive politicians of any era, because he's so transparently angry and heavily biased, yet pretends "independence." He attempts an image of bonhomie, un successfully, but instead he excudes nastiness over anything Conservative. Closely followed by the erratic Oakeshott. Who at one stage thought he'd be Speaker! Lots of carrots dangled then!

    Party day the day these two walk off into the sunset. It'll be very good riddance.

    Pity Australia is totally in their hands for the next two years. Yes, they are Kings in their own minds.
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