tonys going fo it, page-69

  1. 4,045 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    which is hilarious given that the DEMOCRATIC Lower House passed a motion last night endorsing the introduction of a carbon tax.

    Yes Oakeshott the little ALP lapdog has followed his party lines and voted for it, even though he's said in the past that he's against it. Swine. 74 -72 Catter voted against AS HE SAID HE WOULD. Catter is the only one of the three indies that does what he says and therefore the only one with any integrity. And Wilkie didn't even show.

    And anyway who cares about the stupid C02 tax anymore? If they manage to get it in, it won't be in for long. ha ha ha :)

    "So let me make this crystal clear: the Coalition will oppose the carbon tax in opposition and repeal it in government. The Coalition will oppose the mining tax in opposition and repeal it in government."
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