Too tall?, page-155

  1. 81,726 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    those areas did draw the eye --------- it's possible that much of it is to keep water away from the foundations -------------- I could be totally wrong there - I will have a closer look (I know the water bit sounds silly - but, who knows - each designer has their own habits and- of course - you can get stuffups of major proportion - and, need a fix)

    they did actually look like chook sheds - they were quite different to other buildings I've seen ------------ the building is gothic - there's lots of buttresses - but, only when I went around the corner did I see flying buttresses - and, there was a spot where there was ??? a complex set of flying one's -- I didn't photograph it - but, I will now that I think of it

    I've yet to go to the Cathedral for a look ------- I've walked by both of them - but, only been into the Abbey

    it's overwhelming to see the resources that have been used for their construction -

    it all gives me the heeby jeebies - the religious side of it

    I had a clear connection with the art that was telling the story of food - farm, gathering, kitchen life - very clear connection - just bridging time - something I don't get often these days -
    but, the religious stuff - I get zip connection - just an emotion of - what a waste of people's blood and effort

    that said ----------- it's the art that tells us where we've come from - and, interestingly for me --------- even after 8 years at the academy - I had something hit home hard here -------- at ? can't recall - a few stops back just north of Burgundy - and, that epiphany was that it's painting that shows us more than anything about the areas we are in - what they were like before (drawing and tapestry as well -but, not so much).

    only 2D can capture that - carving (2d) and sculpture (3d) can't do the job and I've never seen tapestry that does it clearly for me - but, painting --

    when one looks at life from hundreds of years ago - it's the same - I find that I relate to it - not all life - but, food, animals - dogs are still dogs, children, - still kids, landscape

    it was an interesting moment for me - and, I really don't know why I hadn't connected earlier with the idea ------- interestingly - it doesn't have the same impact on me when I look at images of Oz - which I know intimately - or Vietnam etc etc ------------ only here so far
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