Top 10 Things to See and Do in Australia, page-36

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    SP: 2.5c
    MC: $15.78M
    SOI: 631,404,067

    Last company report:
    - $10.1m cash with $6.9m in assets
    - Reduction in managers salaries by around 35%
    - T20 own 88.45% of the company's available shares (558,447,688), remaining 11.55% (72,956,389) for a total of 631,404,067 SOI
    - They were recently awarded a contract with a 7 month term for a minimum of $9m, currently at stage 1 of 3
    - Chairman: Mr Andrew Ellison (brother of Chris Ellison, big boss over at MIN)
    - BHP has been awarding RDG revenue for the past couple of FYs, this year a further $4.5m
    - Possibly Cash Flow Positive
    - Another contract awarded last March, anticipated value of $27m

    "On 9 March 2017, the Company announced that Centrals had been awarded a contract with property developer, Blue Ocean Enterprises for the redevelopment of a beachfront site known as “Oceanfront Development”, situated immediately south of South Beach, Fremantle, Western Australia. Centrals has been engaged to demolish the existing car-park structures and redevelop the site to accommodate 24 luxury townhouses with an anticipated total contract value of circa AUD$27m." ocean development asx&rlz=1C1CHZL_enAU771AU771&oq=blue ocean development asx&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3663j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

    Happy Trading!
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