top 40 reasons to doubt the official 911, page-4

  1. 1,364 Posts.
    Brought to you by the same people who gave you

    'An inconvenient truth'

    If you are driven by hatred enough, you will bring relevance to things that are not relevant. You will see facts that are not facts. You will believe anything without researching it.

    I bet people who produce and subscribe to this type of thinking could link every act of violence on the planet to the Presidential Administration of the USA.

    Let me see.

    I was shirt fronted by a Person rushing for a taxi this morning.

    Dam it - I should have known.

    It was a deliberate acto of intimidation from the President of the US himself.

    It was Agent 666. He was sent to deliberately shirt front me so that I would no longer walk my dog in front of the US consulate.

    He was full of it when he said he did no see me and was truly sorry. His cover why quite genious. After surveying my habits for the past 24 months he knew exactly where I would be and at what time.

    So this is how it went down.

    GW told Condi to fake an urgent phone call to the US consulate in Melbourne. You know make it look legit. The call was to request and urgent meeting with Agent 666. This would throw the ASIO of the trail - that is if they had noticed me being watched. Agent 666 was to then open the door at the exact moment I was to be walking past. But what I did not pick up straight away was that Agent 711 was driving the fake taxi. He timed his run to perfection to give Agent 666 a reason to run and build his momentum. The rest is history - I was blind sided and hit the deck pretty hard. But the attention to detail did not stop there. As I started to shake of the fuzzy head (my dog licking my face) I could see Umpire Darren Goldspink signalling/saying "Fair Bump - Play On".

    So yeah you guys are all correct - GW and his croni's are all crooked. Every act of violence really is conected to them.
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