Total Bankers with total control

  1. 6,351 Posts.

    Those who control the money supply (or have ready access to it and can therefore control markets, commodity prices, manipulate interest rates, cause boom/busts) control the world.... yeah, der, obviously

    Seriously, can't people see how much a joke the whole "economy" has become.

    Joe Hockey oversees the $8 Billion being given to the Australian Central Reserve for this reason or that..... the Central Banks in the US facilitate the dodgy shenanigans of Wall Street Banks....
    After all the dodgy things we've seen with easy credit, dodgy "credit ratings" , interest rate manipulations, greedy deviants with derivatives, seriously, does anyone think they can pick which way the market will go.... only the insiders know, because they determine it.....

    Saw something the other day that caught my attention:

    "Outside Club.... cause you'll never be on the inside"

    I'm so sick of the dodgy a$$es who control the money supply, that create boom/busts, create money out of nothing, lend it out at interest and when the shyte hits the fan because they control the fan and throw the shyte... they get first bite at the assets...

    The whole financial world is a load of lies, run at the top  by greedy liars, for their greedy ends.

    Something has to change.
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