Toxic legacy, page-15

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
    Do you think it was a mistake to keep spraying Agent Orange on people and the foliage for years?? A mistake is a one time thing, to keep doing the same thing week after week month after month year after year.
    I spent a long time in the army and I served with soldiers from Vietnam and several of them died of cancer related to their service, don't tell me there is no proof.
    The US refuses to accept responsibility for illness and cancers related to soldiers service in Vietnam in the hot zone for agent orange.
    I have actually met a couple of the last survivors of sailors on the ships watching the nuclear detonations in the Marshall islands who ships were ordered into the area. Guess what, there were three of them and two of them had cancer.
    What about the nuclear fallout all over Australia from the English nuclear tests. There is lots of documented proof of the fallout in the range of 3000 times the now known safe levels. It fell all over QLD, South Australia and other parts.

    If you want some more proof then there is plenty more I have .

    The 40-year war

    Agent Orange casualties keep mounting
    Story by Ivey DeJesus | [email protected]
    November 11, 2014

    Galinac is among the roughly 2.8 million U.S. military personnel — out of 7.4 million total — who served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 and were exposed to Agent Orange, one of several potent defoliants deployed by the military to destroy the Vietnamese jungle and, along with it, the enemy's hiding place.
    Galinac died at the age of 64 on April 24, 2013, almost two years after being diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, common among Vietnam veterans.
    His story — and that of the other men profiled in this account and thousands of others with untold stories — traces the trajectory of Vietnam veterans, who contend with deadly maladies caused by exposure to Agent Orange and a U.S. government that has, at times, been unresponsive to their needs.


    Nuclear testing
    Their have been many Australian and Aborigne deaths from Nuclear tests in Australia.
    What rock are you living under, have you not seen the photos of Australian servicemen standing unprotected watching the nuclear blast.

    Human guinea-pigs in the British N-tests in Australia

    'An act of indefensible callousness'
    Human guinea-pigs in the British N-tests in Australia
    Jim Green, May 2001 [email protected]
    The British government has finally admitted that military personnel were used in radiation experiments during the nuclear weapons tests at Maralinga in South Australia in the 1950s.


    British nuclear testing: Australia fails veterans again
    Joshua Dale

    Australian veterans of British nuclear testing have lost their bid to finally gain justice after the Australian Human Rights Commission quashed their claim. It’s a sad day not only for veterans, writes Joshua Dale, the lawyer representing them, but also for human rights in Australia.
    The Australian Human Rights Commission shot down on Tuesday the nuclear veterans’ last legal avenue on a technicality – after 10 months they have just decided they can’t do anything as they don’t think they have jurisdiction.
    Can you imagine finding out that our military personnel, our diggers, were sent into the desert, into the sky and out into our oceans to supervise, watch and secure, the explosion of radioactive nuclear weapons with little more protection than the shirt on their back?

    advertisingnotallowed/_lib/slir/w600-h900/ Defence force personnel stand around and watch, unprotected, as the British test a nuclear bomb at


    Hirishima / Nagasaki.
    All the topsoil in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was removed. There were many many birth defects for decades after the bombs, there were distinct rises in cancer, sterility and so on and so on.
    The effects continue to this day in births.

    Saying there is little radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 10 years after the bombs is just ridiculous. There was a lot of residual radiation even after all the soil was removed.


    Marshall Islands

    Bikini Atoll nuclear test: 60 years later and islands still unliveable
    Marshall Islanders unable or unwilling to return to traditional home, scene of huge US hydrogen bomb test in 1954

    Bikini islanders and their descendants have lived in exile since they were moved for the first weapons tests in 1946. When US government scientists declared Bikini safe for resettlement some residents were allowed to return in the early 1970s. But they were removed again in 1978 after ingesting high levels of radiation from eating foods grown on the former nuclear test site.
    The Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal awarded more than $2bn in personal injury and land damage claims arising form the nuclear tests but stopped paying after a compensation fund was exhausted.

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