Toxic legacy, page-9

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The evidence has been systematically buried:

    "The NRPB announced in 1996 that it was going to erase for 'financial reasons' a database containing the medical records of 40,000 veterans, half of whom are believed to have been participants in the nuclear tests. This plan was scrapped following vigorous protests by veterans.
    Tony Blair's New Labor government has followed in the footsteps of the Tories, refusing to settle compensation claims, denying veterans access to their medical records (citing 'national security' concerns, as the Tories did) and backing the NRPB 'studies'. Ken McGinley, chair of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association, said, "This is not a Conservative government cover-up, but a joint cover-up by the respective governments since the 1960s. There's embarrassment that we have unintentionally rewritten the history of the British nuclear test program."
    Australian governments' complicity
    McGinley's comments apply just as well to successive Australian governments. Buck-passing between British and Australian governments has been a familiar ploy. Another ploy has been to stall for time in the expectation that the political controversy will fade away as veterans die. A large majority of people involved in weapons tests in Australia have already died."

    The amount of radiation those men received was unacceptable and there is little to argue regarding the effects of radiation given that this is established. Anyone receiving radiation treatment for cancer under controlled dosages will be told they will have an increased risk of developing other cancers, notably leukaemia, from the treatment.

    Here is an example showing the British lack of a duty of care when it came to using uninformed people in radiation testing:

    "The official British claim that it had never conducted human radiation experiments was undermined in 1996 when documents were released detailing experiments at Aldermaston, Harwell and Porton Down. The experiments involved radioactive substances being inhaled, injected, swallowed or eaten. Systematic efforts were made to keep information about the experiments from the public, and also from the trade unions at Britain's nuclear laboratories. The government's code of practice on human radiation experiments showed that people taking part in the experiments were told little about the experiment and its potential risks. Efforts were also made to prevent scientists who might query the need for human subjects from intervening. Government officials worked out an elaborate system for denying liability and damages to anyone harmed in the experiments. (WISE News Communique, #463, December 13, 1996, "British human radiation experiments".)"

    Psychopaths in charge of the hen house...evil scum, they ought to have used their own families instead, lol.

    Australia continues the cover up and despite promises to compile an incidence of cancer in exposed parties to the tests here by 2000, as far as I know, this has never eventuated and remains 'classified' information.

    The Brits actually deny that there was any experimental testing of human subjects under the guise that it was the clothing being tested and not the wearers. Pathetic excuses for human beings. A normal person couldn't live with the guilt, but not these monsters. Is all they have feared was that compensation money and medical care would have to be provided to the 8000 men used din the Australian tests. Better to leave that too the Australian taxpayers who never had a choice and for the affected men and their families just to take the abuse with a whimper.
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