AJX 9.09% 1.0¢ alexium international group limited

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  1. 2,796 Posts.
    Also, as many of you know, I now live in the USA and watching the Republican debates over the past few months has done nothing but reaffirm my belief in AJX. The rhetoric spewing from almost all of these buffoons has convinced me the US industrial military complex is just getting warmed up.

    People are genuinely scared sh*tless here and I can see a big ramp up in military spending, particularly if we see a republican in the white house this time around.

    Regardless, whilst I don't think the military markets our bread and butter, it is our insurance policy, and we should be able to at least stay cash flow positive on that alone, even if everything else were to collapse over night - something worth keeping in mind.

    All that means is we are unlikely to experience much in the way of future dilution, even if we have a number of years of torrid market conditions - that's hugely important when investing at this end of the market.
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Mkt cap ! $15.76M
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1.0¢ 1.0¢ 1.0¢ $29 2.91K

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2 448516 1.0¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
1.1¢ 55591 2
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Last trade - 15.31pm 11/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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