ETR 0.00% 0.7¢ entyr limited

trading halt, page-30

  1. 6,543 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Oilman i read that report,looks good for RRS but even better for us being (cough, cough)the actual major holder of the lease,that things just a sales pitch for rrs brokerage and though misleading in its hiding of all the facts it is still highlighting substantial future revenue flow for RRS and its combined other asset levels.I truely believe now that placement is from RRS and there shareholding has increased and once complete i would suspect a notice of future JV upon confirmed results.Not going to deep into this one with speculation as it does you no good at the end of the day,its a minnow and once proven this 3 ring circus will become interesting bait for a big fish.
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