trading week starting the 31st.

  1. 3,290 Posts.
    Slight change this week included consolidation in with interesting. And have included a few charts as we have been doing this long enough now that you should be able to read them. If you can't. I recommend you go back and read from the beginning of the posts and all relevant material. If for some reason you can't see the charts because I made a mistake uploading them. Too bad, I won't be doing it again. One of the posts has 800 views so it's nice to see 30 of you have enough appreciation to leave a Thumbs Up. Boggles the mind what happened with the other 770. Must be part of the me, me generation. The ones that missed out on manners.


    CGM = WRC with slight retrace, nice trend forming. If you’re not already in watch for the confirmation of pullback for the position. If you are already in a break of that 50% retrace @ 0.07 would be worrying or offer a nice buy in on confirmation.

    CHZ = Nice trend forming.

    FRS = Again as previously pointed out the problem with this 5 day cycle. But this is the format that I have to follow with you guys as this is already totally time consuming. Something most of you fail to realize. But if you were casting a large net you should have picked this up from the numerous signals given. Window from the 24th/6/11 shut. Four Price Doji leading to WRC. Etc. Etc.

    GCN = Like I stated in my very first analysis of this it hinges on this upcoming placement. I don’t like gambling on drill results, takeovers or anything that’s expected but hasn’t come to fruition. This has offered a trading range between 0.013 -0.024 so at present it can be swing traded. Worth watching to see how it plays out.

    HAW = Nice announcements lately with potential to boost this to previous highs.

    NEU = 50% Retrace into a WRC. I was going to re-enter on Friday but I thought I’d leave it till Monday to get the confirmation of the pullback.

    OBJ = Came out of a nice consolidation phase and sitting at resistance. Offering nice moves.

    PGA = Rounded bottom pattern with kick on the 17th /Oct/11. Two strategies involved here. 1). Left rim formed at real body of candle from the 17th / Aug/11 so don’t expect handle to form (cup & handle formation). 2). Top of wick from 17th / Aug/11 creates rim thus handle can still be formed. Valid strategies, wait for confirmation of handle being created and enter on the pullback or get the confirmation of continued move with 0.048 set as first resistance.


    AVB = Looking more likely that we have a “Breakaway Gap”.

    CEO = Might have to call this a Rising Twelve Methods Pattern. Rising Three Methods

    CFE = Hopefully that’s the retrace in that one candle. If not 41 looks like support. Confirmation on Monday.

    MHM = Watch for a possible retrace on the hammer, otherwise a nice trend forming.

    OBL = WRC on a forming trend, looks nice.

    VOR = TBH I’m expecting a further retrace with this. Only included it because on the pullback I can see it hitting the 50% retrace on that WRC. And VOR is a great traders stock. If the Mongolian issue can be settled this will pullback to former highs. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

    WHN = Still giving us nice movement.


    CFE = Doji onto a hangman.

    EYE = Inverted hammer, expect a retrace with a nice buy in opportunity on the pullback.

    VGH = WRC sitting at resistance.

    VRX = Hammer sitting on lower Boll.


    ABU = Sitting at resistance with dark cloud cover. On my chart it’s just north of the ML on the Andrew’s. As we know price retraces to the ML 80% of the time. Get the confirmation of a retrace with subsequent entry on the pullback. 0.060 looks likely target if no lower lows are to be created. Alternative strategy if resistance is broken enter on confirmation of the breakout.

    AOH = Similar strategy to ABU.

    APG = Not a confirmed break yet. But an open above 0.045 gives that confirmation.

    AUK = Broke out of the lower tyne on my Andrew’s. Watching to see if we get a pullback into the playing field again.

    CMC = Three supports here. Top of the open window from the 5th, 1:4 Gann fan line and 50% retrace into two candles. If support holds we have new higher lows being formed.

    LYC = Great stock as a plaything:) 1.35 resistance breakout or pullback. Either strategy valid and rewarding.

    PRR = Sitting @ resistance. Usual strategy, buy on the breakout or the confirmed pullback ( definition of a pullback for this thread previously explained).

    SVL = Double hit off support at 0.17 with this upward movement.


    AYN = 50% Retrace into former WRC. Higher lows being formed. Worth watching.

    BKP = Last two consolidation phases ended in downward movement. Interesting to see how this present one turns out.

    BLT = Simply for the fact of the consolidation it’s in. I look at this everyday waiting for the up-thrust to occur. It also offers some nice day trades.

    CFU = Not all consolidation leads to northward movement. A number of signals have to be given for that confirmation as the relevant chart indicates. This has formed two levels of consolidation with no “Classic Upthrust”. Incorporating Gann cycles this is primed for a move. Well worth watching for that confirmation.

    CTP = Again only for the consolidation. I feel this will have to have a move very soon. Another well worth watching daily to be in early if the move occurs.

    EGO = Looks like second stage of support starting.

    EPX = Very interesting chart with solid support @ 1.52. Price can only do 3 things continue in consolidation, move down or as we want. Move up. Vigilance in this case is the key.

    FML = Traded this a lot recently looking at the chart feel this is about to have a major move. Another to watch daily. Also offering nice day trades.

    GRM = Very illiquid but nice movement on Friday.

    PEN = Purely on the basis that the DFS can’t be delayed any longer now. And the much touted deal with Nucore is finished. I had 0.042 picked as the low for this in July (the ones that receive my charts can attest to that) with a long range trend line showing convergence at 0.036. So seeing it hit those levels was no real surprise. A positive DFS will see this move. I won’t be taking a position until confirmation is given. Because further delays or a negative DFS will see this plummet further. Classic example of why buy & hold doesn’t work in Bear markets. Also classic example of the herd psychology with posters saying they bought in & topped up at 8, 7, 5 and 4 cents. That obviously didn’t go to well. Last time I mentioned this, the strategy was perfect. Confirmation this time x 3.

    SFP = Like to see how this plays out. Very illiquid be careful.

    SSN = Nice consolidation forming here.

    ORD = This offers some crazy big moves when it’s rolling. I’m looking for it to pullback to the top of the wick off the inverted hammer at 0.074. Worth watching.


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    Trading can result in large losses and may not be suitable for everyone.

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