NMR = Now we await the bottom. ROB = As above. Waiting on some...

  1. 3,290 Posts.
    NMR = Now we await the bottom.

    ROB = As above. Waiting on some definitive signals. Bit of a fizzer at present after all that hype.

    ISN = Four price doji. Still like it but as above waiting on some signals to arrive. Pernaps as Blokes said, “Update on isn after 70m went through today?” Might get the signal tomorrow.

    ALT = There ya go Padhai. Nice call on your morning star. Today’s move gave the confirmation. Just need to see what tomorrow brings.

    DRX = Still viable. Small retrace so it helps the indicators. Worth watching on open.

    WRG = Business side of that gap at present. Only signal I’m looking for is that gap holding or folding.

    PLV = Doji signaling indecision. Still worth watching as this indecision can go both ways.

    EMR = Sunny. Text book example of an inverted hammer trade. I hope you took some profit. I covered inverted hammer trades a couple of months ago as the regulars will remember. I’m not expecting too much now as the Bulls took a major flogging today. But the absence of a gap may rule out an evening star.

    EPX = “If I was trading this I'd watch the action today. On a move up I'd look for those two targets to get taken out. On a retrace I'd accept a 50% retrace into that WRC any more and I'd lock in profit. This is at present sandwiched between two timing cycles, those breaking either way will give the confirmation. IMO. Always DYOR.”

    That analysis was spot on & still stands. Now we see if the 5 wave sub waves will form.

    Linggis, I'll have that up tomorrow morning m8.
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