Traditional Musical Instruments from all over the world, page-167

  1. 18,214 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    @simgrund - You may have an old email of mine - I think we did actually 'talk' a little - I will dig around my computer first to find it . . . and if not, do the 'midnight flash' of my email address cool.png
    re musical instruments:
    Last year my sick daughter was still planning a future and on one of her trips here she had discovered an instrument maker here in the Perth Hills. She found out he was closing up shop but was selling a copy of a baroque fiddle (one of the famous names) which he had built - my job and eldest daughter's, was to go and pick up the violin and eldest daughter then took it personally to England.

    To meet this man (and his wife) in a workshop which obviously had been very busy, and where there were still-cut and fragrant pieces of aged wood for violins, violas, cellos etc. sitting in purpose-built shelves - with the amazing smell of the various lacquers - and to see his fine hands, which knew how to work wood so delicately, was amazing - I have only once felt like that, and that was when I had to pass on greetings to a monk who had spent his life in a monastery close to Perth - there is something totally wonderful about people who have a single purpose in mind and as a result they become kind of pure in themselves. It is hard to describe.

    He also plays in a small band on some Saturdays - must go and see them - again - I had quite forgotten.
    Keep well
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