trains blown up in spain - many dead, page-11

  1. 831 Posts.
    What worries me and should also worry others is the sudden 'about face' by the 'so called experts who have claimed in numerous publications and reports that Al Queida are so well organized and tight knit that their intelligence is passed on by courier and not through any documentary or electronic means to avoid detection.

    Suddenly Al Queida conveniently appear to have very neatly typed out instructions in English and Arabic to each other found in pristine condition at bomb sites amongst the debris. Very odd indeed. Almost as laughable as 'Kilroy was Here'.

    This is a stark reminder of the old 'anti communist' warfare days. When every Chinese was a suspect and the immediate ability of the Lone Ranger to find the trail and to find a note that "Bad Jake was here, you're next" so readily and conveniently at the crime scene makes this whole spectacle of human misery pathetic.

    It is quite easy also to dig up images of Osama Bin Laden and the Egyptian doctor (his side kick) and to do a Babe (animation of their voices to carefully prepared statements claiming responsibility). I still find it hard to believe that the US and its allies can pull in so many idiots to their con jobs.

    But then again look at the number of oversized, self debasing, humpty dumpties in the US who eat and live like they are on Jerry Springer. Whats more sorry are the Australians with better choices in life who opt for their a pseudo American life style.

    I think the Australian government should right now get the hell out of the US alliance. We need them like a hole in our heads.

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