A very intelligent observation indeed. Lt. General Peter Walls...

  1. 831 Posts.
    A very intelligent observation indeed. Lt. General Peter Walls (ret) of the former Rhoesian and British Armed forces who also was a key architect of their counter intelligence and anti insurgency warfare programmes from the late 50's in Malaya and later in the 60's and 70's in Rhodesia and elsewhere as a consultant, did actually identify the consequences and the issues you have pointed out in your posting.

    The convenience and the proximity to events like 'elections' and the like are usually lost on the common man at and immediately after the impact. The impact has to be so great that no one will have the emotional capacity or tolerance to think or analyse beyond his own grief and will look at clutching at straws.

    In the old days it was God that came to mind, gradually it was the devil that was blamed then we reated the Jews and Communists, now the Arabs and Muslims.

    Nehru the late Indian Prime Minister once said: "If theres one thing we've learned from the lessons of history, it is that we never learn from the lessons of history".

    What is also lost in translation here is the fact that the Shi ites never blamed the Sunni's for the recent carnage in Baghdad. What we were never shown here is the fact that most Iranians and other critics of the allies and the recent carnage in Baghdad deccried the fact that mysteriously there were cameras at the right place filming for impact at the celebration of the martyrdom of Hussein and Ali (their prophets) when that carnage occurred. They believed it was the Haiphong and Hanoi type Bombing Kissinger ordered to bring them to the negotiation table. Iranian and Abu Dhabi TV was full of commentary as was Deutsch welle in Germany but not Australia.

    Again the so called acceptance of the 'Constitution' by the Shi Ites in Baghdad recently was not quite what the US and our own media had told us. They signed a document agreeing to negotiate a constitution only after a free general election which they will win hands down and the US does not want.

    But the belief that they will either forgive or forget the allies for the carnage is an unthinkable suicidal moronic and reckless belief for which we will all pay.

    The US have always used operatives who look like their enemy to cause trouble after inflitration. No other group in Iraq look more like the Iraqi's than the Spaniards. That too was canvassed on Arab TV after the Shi Ite incident of two weeks ago.

    The subtleties were never lost on them.

    To forget that their motivation is revenge and sacrifice through matyrdom is to invite this sort of reprisal. I am not blaming them, but certainly from the 'specialist' rhetoric and knowledge about Al Queida, it is very odd indeed that they suddenly leave messages and tapes and other such clues about their activities. Funny how they the US refuse to reveal detail of the cockpit recorders and flight data recorders of the 9/11 incident.
    Funnier still how an open democratic society now releases five Britons without charge and expect us to believe they have anything that might remotely resemble intelligence.

    Soemthing else is at work. "Ooops. A Conspiracy Theory".

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