From the Hamersley Iron State Agreements Act Shipment of and...

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    From the Hamersley Iron State Agreements Act

    Shipment of and price for ore 4.
       (e) ship from the Company’s wharf all iron ore mined from the mineral lease and sold and use its best endeavours to obtain therefor the best price possible having regard to market conditions from time to time prevailing PROVIDED THAT this paragraph shall not apply to iron ore used for secondary processing or for the manufacture of iron or steel in any part of the said State lying north of the twenty‑sixth parallel of latitude;

    Page 35

    Note particular reference to the vertical integration.  Secondary Processing!!!

    In years gone by, the argument was that we would send iron ore to Japan and they would send it back as bombs.  Well in modern times, there are actual US military reports of China building islands in the South China Sea and those islands are heavily defended.

    Are our leaders willingly or unwillingly arming the NME?
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