transferring shares, page-2

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 28


    It depends what type of off market buying you are doing.

    Is it between parties that are known to each other and do they have HIN numbers ?

    That is easy, cost is $54 per trade and you can use any traded price for the past 3 months.
    This has tax advantages in that you can time your losses or profits where you want.
    Losses have to be offset against profits or rolled forward.My accountant says establishing losses can lead to audit.
    On the other hand I often take profits in a bull run to establish a higher average cost base. Effectively I am taking profit and paying tax early but am in a lower tax bracket than I might otherwise have been on the final sell out.The tax dept never objects to you sending in money, and you have to be sure that the price rise will continue with this strategy.
    While it is a paper transaction I always have a transfer of funds to "prove" the transaction on a bank statement.

    Transferring between parties that only have SRN numbers is a little bit more hassle, can be done, but is not very cost effective because I hear now that all Registries recently introduced a charge for this service, so you need large numbers of shares in the parcel.
    Once you have all shares amalgamated in one holding you then send them to your broker and ask that they be converted to Chess.

    You can download the forms from Comsec or the Register concerned.
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