transgenders - trump shows commonsense, page-76

  1. 15,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 453
    Lol. Another awesome thread.
    This place is like one of those quaint old tea-rooms that still serve scones on a sunday. Why change? Life was perfect in the 50s, nothing will ever top that. Transgender people are obviously an abberation. If god had wanted people to be transgender he would have mentioned it in the bible somewhere. Along with iphones and space travel, which are also sins.

    Trump is a great business man. A trememdous businessman. He will take the $8million he saves on gender reassignment surgery, and use it to pay 15,000 of his most devoted fanboys to replace them, with the promise of loads of time spent in his company listening to his anecdotes and admiring his amazingly hot daughter. At $533 a pop this makes great economic sense. I am sure all of his fanboys would be chomping at the bit for an opportunity to defend him for such a princely sum, instead of risk letting 15000 people who are already willing to die for their country actually continue to do so.

    Letting a man trapped in a womans body actually become a man and serve his country would surely be a disaster. We only want to send sensible godfearing peace loving people to the frontline, not aggressive fearless people.

    So whose up for signing up? Im happy to forward your contact details if you like.
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