treasurer embarrassing on housing affordability

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The Treasurer just gave imo an embarrassing interview on Insiders
    on a range of issues.

    Barry Cassidy demolished his credibility on this and various issues.

    Morrison kept blabbing on about how negative gearing would impact
    housing values then kept refusing to acknowledge that would make houses
    more affordable. He must think the electorate are dopes to swallow
    that bunkum.

    He was noticeably shifty/dodgy. Cassidy pointed out to him that Grattan Institute modelling showed that in fact house price rises would be impacted by about 2%. In other words if the average house price increase was 5% it would without negative gearing rise by 3%. In other words there would be no crash as claimed by Morrison and Turnbull its just that the rate of rises would decrease by about 2%. Any dimwit would have to acknowledge that if the rate of increase diminishes it will make housing more affordable than if the increase was 2% higher. Morrison would not concede that and tried to divert the discussion away from the topic.

    It seems the coalition is also copping a lot of flak on the changes to super and he found it difficult to squeeze his way out of that fact.

    On negative gearing the govt looks like it cares more about those that can use the tax system to buy multiple properties and don’t give a damn about the people struggling to buy their first home.
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