tree huggers

  1. 29 Posts.
    To all the labour supporters out there
    You voted out the best government
    we ever had in Howard and Costello and now the polls seem to indicate that even you hate this bunch of self serving misfits My only ray of sunshine is they will without a doubt be voted out in the next election
    My fear is how much damage will they do between now and then !
    I thought Australians were smarter than this but reality is we are a bit stupid and reactive
    If work choices was the worst thing thrown at us under the liberal party i will take it right now with poo on the side
    I have never seem such an inept government as this one
    Everyone who voted for labour should be lined up and spat on
    I can barely contain my anger
    Lets see how bad it gets now that they are running out of options and will make any deal they can to stay in power , the greens will just have a field day
    Shame on them and the independents who helped this mess happen
    You should be lined up and shot the people of Australia basically voted in a liberal government and you blew it of for your own agenda
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