MSB 0.00% $2.81 mesoblast limited

Trial in Australia - Silviu on TV, page-19

  1. 7,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 564
    Hi Stok,

    I think I read yesterday (I don't recall who wrote) but the writer mention one big market of ARDS generate not for COVID but for many other diseases.
    That I believe is a gaming point....Mainly because I believe all "Covid" history ,as much now is hot probably in one year will be just a past... But a drug that have many other usages that yesssss can be the one.

    I'm feeling more and more confident that the action 2 days ago IN USA was result of a big buyer starting coming IN mesoblast and probably that acquisition they did is just a SMALL parcel of near future more.

    Lets see,,,

    Have a great day mate !

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