MSB 0.00% $2.81 mesoblast limited

Trial in Australia - Silviu on TV, page-20

  1. 245 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 554
    I like the bit where SI says "we are in the midst of getting FDA approval for aGVHD"....I expect approval soon

    IMO, as we move through the trial in USA with parallel studies in Australia (Sydney/Melbourne) and UK, the FDA will approve based on 28 day primary endpoint results under emergency approval process whilst the trial continues for completeness.

    The downrampers are going to bang on about vaccines and containment of COVID. IMO the reality is we don't know enough about this ultra contagious virus, just look at the different strains now affecting children in the UK, this is going to be endemic IMO. Relaxation of lockdown measures will lead, IMO, to a second wave of outbreak. It is critical that the world has a viable treatment for ARDS and I believe the successful trial will lead to FDA approval of Mesoblast MSC's as standard treatment of ARDS which is a mammoth Global market even without including final stage COVID caused ARDS.

    These share price gyrations are an opportunity for me to continue to build my holdings, I wish I had more cash to invest.
    Last edited by JSBStrikesBack: 29/04/20
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