I haven't been a regular watcher of the 7.30 Report for some...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    I haven't been a regular watcher of the 7.30 Report for some time, so I have just looked up the ABC transcript. I must admit, I was quite impressed by Leigh Sales pursuit of Triggs' inability to explain why she allowed this vexatious complaint to go to Court. Triggs' evasive answers on this issue, and her declaration that the Commission had followed up 20,000 complaints, were sufficient reason for me to believe that this Commission, under her tutelage, is abhorrent and an abomination to a democratic society that believes in a free speech, and should be immediately shut down.

    How can anyone really believe that we are living in free and democratic society when we allow such a Government sponsored body to stifle free speech. Our ancestors would be appalled that the freedoms they fought for in two world wars are being sacrificed at the altar of Political Correctness.

    Would anyone be surprised if our Tsar of Political Correctness has taken lessons from that tsar of political propaganda - Goebbels of Nazi infamy? I certainly would not be surprised.
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