morning, atm - it seems that no one knows who the perpetrator...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    atm - it seems that no one knows who the perpetrator was.

    One thing stuck out to me about the suspect who has now been cleared and released though - and, frankly I think it is the cause of a lot of issues with immigration.

    a. the suspect was a refugee from Pakistan ------------------------- why? Why would you even consider 'refugees' from Pakistan at all?

    b. he has an application in for refugee status which is still in process -----

    BUT, he was 'known' to police - but, only for minor crimes -


    so - he had been involved in minor crimes - but, his application is still in for consideration -

    why in the name of heaven isn't he back in Pakistan where he belongs?

    Is it too much to ask that people who want to live in your country are NOT criminals at any level?

    why would you even consider keeping some jerk who has been in your country for about a year - but, who has already been involved in criminal activity ------------- AND from a country that isn't at war, isn't a risk for someone to go back to - etc. etc.

    To me - although this bloke seems to have had nothing to do with the event other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time -

    the information on him is exactly why people are pissed off with immigrants and politicians who condone turkeys like this coming and staying in their countries.

    Terrorism is a bad thing - and, you can only do what you can - but, you sure can handle the other issues like the Pakistani crim. - who should be long long gone from Germany.

    It does a disservice to the Nations involved, to the politicians involved, to real refugees - in fact - to pretty much everyone.

    Give the turds the boot.

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