Truckies to blockade borders against forced vaccinations!

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Good on them too, while it will affect all of us I guess I fully support these people who are resisting the enemy in our fight from freedom and democracy.

    A THREAT by Queensland Premier Palasczcuk to force truckies and other essential workers to get vaccinated before coming into the state will blow up in her corrupt regime’s faces. Truckies have already had enough of the bullying from state governments everywhere and will begin a Queensland border blockade that is being extended to ports and other states.
    Truckie "Bluey Festa" is furious over state government attempts to force vaccination on truckies and school students.

    South Australia is already being subject to a delivery ban and another blockade on Victoria is threatened.

    Angry truckies have been posting across social media and their blockade plans have won support from as far away as the US, where the transport industry is also suffering under the lies of the jackboot COVID regimes.

    Palaszczuk announced last Tuesday that from Friday, essential staff who live in NSW but work in Queensland “will be turned around unless they can show they've had had at least one dose of a vaccine. She lied that the vaccines were the “last line of defence” for Queensland.

    Last year the same Queensland government criminalized the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID treatment, while doctors in the US were calling out for more supplies after successfully treating patients.

    Truckie responses to Palasczcuk’s extortion attempt was blunt and to the point: “This bitch thinking we’ve gotta get vaccinated to go in and out of Queensland has got to be kiddin’. Enough’s enough. All of us need to stop. Don’t go out and get the vaccine like a f…. moron – it’s untested, no-one knows the long-term results,” a truckie said on a TikTok video made on the road and posted on Bitchute.

    “We drive trucks and sit for a long period of time, so there’s a huge chance we’re going to develop clots,” the driver said. “We don’t need to get this shit (vaccines). We’re tested every day. At the end of the day man, enough’s enough… see how good Queensland goes with no freight coming in and going out.”

    Another angry truckie using a YouTube account under the name of Bluey Festa raised the possibility of port blockades. “We as truckies will block all your highways, we’ll block all your ports and we’ll even stop what we need to stop. There is nothing you will be able to do. You back off. These are our roads, this is our country and we will run it how we want to run it.

    “This is our country. You and your vaccines is bullshit. You can f... off. You are not going to mandate nothing. And for the kids, what you’re doing is disgusting. What you’ve done in rounding them up in New South Wales is disgusting.

    “We are going to be running this country. We are taking it back. Us truck drivers are going to be the front line and whoever’s behind us, we are going to take this country back. You politicians make me sick. You guys are filthy, you do not represent us people and you don’t represent this country.”
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