re: true story - the surgeon was jewish What a load of...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: true story - the surgeon was jewish
    What a load of crock.......


    Expert:The Mel Gibson Fans Mailing List
    Subject:Mel Gibson plastic surgery

    Where can I find the detailed story of Mel Gibson`s plastic surgery? I hear that he was attacked when he was younger and had to have facial reconstruction. Is this true, and if so where can I find out all of the details? Thanks.

    Hello, Jessica--

    I can't point you to a place that will give the detailed story of Mel Gibson's plastic surgery--because the story you're referring to isn't true.

    Like many such forwarded stories, it has a little basis in fact, but the entirety of the story is fiction. The factual part is that Mel Gibson was beaten severely not long before auditioning for the role of Mad Max; he still had many of the bruises, etc. George Miller liked the look, told him to come back when the bruises healed, and when he did, hired him to play Mad Max. That's the story that both Mel Gibson and George Miller have told in the past.

    The beating did require a brief hospital stay, but didn't require plastic surgery. Previous to this, Mel Gibson had been attending NIDA in Australia, not working on docks. Paul Harvey did relate the story regarding Mel's hiring for the role Mad Max; someone else invented the rest, and Paul Harvey has denied authorship of the story circulating through email.

    Hope this helps.

    Lisa Hightower

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